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Tourism in Imbabura
Tourism in Imbabura
Tourism in the province of Imbabura
The province of Imbabura has 335.000 inhabitants, 195.000 urban inhabitants and 135.000 rural inhabitants.

Imbabura has a surface of 4.559 square kilometers divided in 6 cantons.

Famous sites apart from Ibarra, Otavalo, and Cotacachi are the ponds "laguna de San Pablo" near to Otavalo, and the las lagunes Yaguarcocha, Cuicocha and some 400 more lagunes.

  • San Miguel de Ibarra, the "White City", is the head of the Imbabura province. Ibarra is known for its wood and leather handicrafts, its blackberry syrup and paila ice cream.

  • The Otavalo handicrafts fair makes this imbaburian town famous. The fairs are every Saturday, but it is worth visiting any day of the week. Wool and cattail handicrafts.
  • Santa Marta de Atuntaqui, is cantonal head of Cantón Antonio Ante. Traditionally it is a canton of textile and agricultural production. Known are the straw hat crafts. One of the culinary offerings is paila ice cream and fries with corn and beans.


  • Imbabura has more than 20 beautiful lagoons, one of the best known is the San Pablo lagoon near Otavalo; near Ibarra the Yahuarcocha lagoon; The Cuicocha lagoon near Cotacachi
Parque Cóndor
  • Sitting on the Pucara de Curiloma hill, close to the City of Otavalo, at 2,800 meters above sea level, is the Parque Cóndor. The bird of prey shelter offers a space for environmental education, and offers free flight exhibitions for birds from 11:30 to 16:30. Attention Hours: Tuesday to Sunday and Holidays from 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Reserva Ecológica Cotacachi Cayapas
  • The Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve is accessible from the Cotacachi city. The Reserve has an area of 204,420 ha.
Reserva Ecológica Cayambe Coca
  • The Cayambe Coca Ecological Reserve is accessible from Cayambe city. The Reserve has an area of 403,103 ha including the Navado Cayambe.
  • The city and canton Cayambe together with the Nevado Cayambe.
La Cascada de Peguche
  • The Peguche Waterfall is located ten minutes north of Otavalo and is one of the natural and spiritual scenes in the area.

  • San Miguel de Urcuquí has a warm climate and is home to the city of knowledge Yachay.
Tren - Ferrocarril

  • Pimampiro offers a rest in nature with many lagoons, rivers and forests.
Laguna San Pablo near Otavalo Imbabura Province
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Gobierno Provincial Imbabura
Tel: (593) 06-2955832
Cámara Provincial de Turismo CAPTI
Tel: (593) 06-2642531
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Otavalo handycraft fair
Ibarra Cuidad Blanca White City Weisse Stadt
Diferentes técnicas de elaboración en la feria de artesanías de Otavalo
Arcangel San Miguel de Ibarra
Art in Cotacachi Imbabura
Cuicocha is located at the southern end of the Cotacachi-Cayapas ecological reserve
Se llega a la Laguna Cuicocha en 20 minutos desde Cotacachi
Cotacachi Imbabura Central Park
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  • Santa Ana de Cotacachi is known for its leather crafts. There is an interesting culinary offer. Cotacachi deserves to be known also for its proximity to the Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve  with the famous Laguana de Cuycocha.
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